The Edge 50 Pro is absolutely packed with powerful features. Starting with the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor. Your favourite apps and games won't slow it down. The OLED screen's got it all, too. It's pin-sharp and bright enough to be readable in direct sunlight. Plus, the 144 Hz refresh rate and HRD10+ turn movies and shows into pure eye-candy. Then there's the 50 MP triple camera system on the back. You can pick between 3 lenses – wide, ultra-wide and telephoto – to capture special moments. No matter how far away they are.\nGood to know - The 50 MP front camera is amazing for video calls with your family and selfies with your mates - To make sure the colours you're seeing are true-to-life, the display is True Color Pantone Validated - Running low? The 125W TurboPower fast charger pumps the battery full in about 18 minutes - Dolby Atmos virtual surround sound adds a layer of immersion when you're watching shows or playing games - There's a fingerprint scanner and facial recognition for fast and secure log-ins
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